With a new year comes a new election for the CYD board! Our board is compromised of 11 state members who when elected share in directing and progressing the groups mission and goals! Two of those members are voting representatives for Colorado to the National Organization, Young Democrats of America.
Candidate applications are due April 21st with elections happening by virtual ballot April 24th-29th at 5pm. The evening of the 29th the positions on the board will be filled alongside small social gathering(digital or hybrid tbd).
There are 4 board seats open this year and 1 national representative position open this year. The form to run for one of the seats and with more information on those positions is here: https://forms.gle/ZBoydhPG5GPARkGM7
-2023 Elections-
We have recently made rules changes to membership in ways to hopefully boost active participation and interest by defining a levels of membership for the organization. A member is all under thirty-six (36) years of age who desire to support young Democrats in Colorado, who wish to be known as Democrats, and who are not members of any other registered political party.
A managing member is those that fit the above as members and have paid their yearly dues. It is managing members who will be counted and engaged more actively for state votes, actions, changes, events, and more. This election will be the first one with the new changes and tally being of managing members. To incorporate a justice perspective we have created multiple paths to being a managing member and you can learn more about this on our Membership Page.
-Dates and Important Information-
Candidate's interested in a CYD board seat must fill out our application to run by Friday April 21st.
The election will be held from Monday April 24th - April 29th, using a digital form, that will close at 5pm. At 7pm on the 29th the results will be announced at a digital or hybrid meeting. Before and after the meeting we will provide time to socialize and build connections across the org regardless of election turnout.