The Colorado Young Democrats recently held elections and have selected a new executive board. This enthusiastic group of young professionals, political operatives, and volunteers from across the state have come together to revitalize the organization. Chris Davis of Arapahoe County, was elected as the Chair of the board.
“I’m excited to work with the new executive board of the Colorado Young Democrats! The energy and enthusiasm of this new board astounds me. I’m truly honored to lead this board whose vision centers on empowering the voices of young people while embracing the countless intersectional identities of today's youth!” said Davis.
First Vice Chair, Jasmin Ramirez Ramos echoed Davis’ sentiments. “Colorado Young Democrats is excited to have the opportunity to better represent and engage with young voters across the State in the coming year. We ask that you help our efforts by sharing our new website, While there you can make a donation that will not only help us at CYD, but the future of our party,” added Ramos, of the Western Slope.
The new board has received encouragement from many who look forward to the opportunity a new board brings. “I am thrilled to hear that our friend Chris Davis is now chairing the Colorado Young Dems. The Young Dems are energized and willing to work hard to get votes for our candidates while advocating for important issues – including but not limited to racial justice, economic justice, LGBTQ justice, and reproductive justice. I look forward to being in solidarity with them, and I encourage young people to become active with them,” said Jeri Shepherd. Colorado DNC Delegate.
State Representative Mike Weissman also had this to say about the new board: "Young voters are impacted by decisions policymakers make today for longer than anyone else, but too often are not heard in policymaking deliberations. I appreciate the commitment of the Colorado Young Democrats to increasing involvement of young voters in the political process to elevate their voices in debates that impact all of us."
In addition to Davis being selected as Chair, the new board is comprised of:
First Vice Chair, Jasmin Ramirez Ramos,Garfield County
Vice Chair of Community and Personal Advocacy, Lindsay Saunders-Velez,Denver County
Vice Chair of Electoral Organizing, Alex Galeana,Denver County
Vice Chair or Technology, Braeden Miguel, Douglas County
Vice Chair of Events, Jeeva Senthilnathan,Jefferson County
Secretary Tara Chatterjee, Arapahoe County
Treasurer, Cailyn Libby, Denver County
National Committee Person, Sean Gelson, Adams County
You can learn more about each board member on our about us team page!