Chris Davis
Chris is currently a graduate student studying economics at the University of Denver. However, before going back to school, they were heavily involved in grassroots organizing. In 2015 Chris worked as a field manager for Environment Colorado and the Colorado Public Interest and Research Group on campaigns concerning loopholes in the Clean Water Act and the overuse of antibiotics by factory farms. Then, during the 2016 presidential primary, they became a Democratic National Convention Delegate for Bernie Sanders, which led them to a life of Democratic Party activism. As the Second Vice-Chair of the Arapahoe County Democrats, Chris oversaw a historic sweep of Arapahoe County elected offices, including electing the first Democrat to the sheriff’s office in 50 years and the county’s first-ever officials of color. Additionally, they acted as Congressman Jason Crow’s Canvass Director during the congressman’s first run for office, which defeated a five-term incumbent.
Chris believes that the future success of the Democratic Party depends on the Party’s ability to bridge the gap between electoral organizers and community organizers. Fortunately, their background in electoral politics and involvement with nonprofit organizations like the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition and Colorado People’s Alliance ensures they have the necessary experience to bring diverse groups of organizers together to create an environment that champions policies that will improve the lives of all Coloradoans.
As an undergraduate, Chris received a B.A. from the Metropolitan State University of Denver, where they double-majored in political science and philosophy while writing an honors thesis on representative democracy legitimation crisis. They are currently writing a master’s thesis on the political economy of climate change that they hope to defend this fall.